Next Steps
Next Steps
1. Attend Sunday Worship Services
Worshiping and learning with other believers in Sunday morning worship service is a wonderful way to learn and grow in your walk. We invite and encourage you to make a regular habit of gathering in worship with other believers each Sunday!
2. Get Baptized
Water baptism is a declaration that you accept Jesus, His death, His resurrection, His salvation, and His authority in your life. Please contact us to learn more about what baptism means, and to get baptized very soon!
3. Spend Time With God Daily
Every believer needs daily wisdom and guidance from God. One of the best ways to do this is through daily reading of the Bible. In this packet you’ll find a Bible and a journal, which contains some basic instructions on how to study the Bible. Get plugged in with one of our weekly devotional groups!
4. Get in Community
Whether through a community group, a study group, or a volunteer group, we encourage you to begin building relationships with your church family. Stop by our Info Center to find the right community for you!
5. Serve in the Kingdom of God!
You are uniquely gifted by God to serve somewhere in His kingdom—and we have a place for you here at New Hope Legacy! Our mission is to reach our community with the love of Christ, by doing church as a team. There are many ways to get involved and use your gifts and talents for God. Stop by our Info Center in the church lobby to find your fit!
You are precious to God, and so very special to us as well. Thank you for the privilege of walking with you on your spiritual journey to become closer to God!
I look forward to getting to know you, and please feel free to reach out any time!
-Trenton Johnson
Senior Pastor