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Choosing to Trust

I don’t want to be like Abraham: observing God’s power, but not certain if I can trust Him. I’d rather be a Peter: ready to jump out of the boat at a moment’s notice…imperfect and flawed, but with an almost illogical degree of trust in the Savior.
Genesis 20:2,11
2 – And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, “She is my sister.” And Abimalech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah.
11 – Abraham said, “I did it because I thought, ‘There is no fear of God at all in this place, and they will kill me because of my wife.'”
Abraham had just watched God wipe out Sodom and Gomorrah completely, and he had watched God supernaturally protect Lot. Abraham knew God’s power…but he apparently didn’t trust that God would use his power to protect Abraham if Abraham did what was right and honorable.
Abraham saw God generally, but didn’t trust Him personally.
There’s a difference between knowing ‘about’ God, and ‘knowing’ God. There’s a difference between knowing that God ‘can’ do something, and trusting that God ‘will’ do it for me.
I don’t want to be like Abraham: observing God’s power, but not certain if I can trust Him. I’d rather be a Peter: ready to jump out of the boat at a moment’s notice…imperfect and flawed, but with an almost illogical degree of trust in the Savior.
Today I choose to trust God. Not just generally, but also personally. I know what He has done for others, and I believe He will do it for me also.
God, thank you for your faithfulness and your power which I daily see at work around me. I choose to trust you in each situation–not merely to know that you can handle it, but also trusting that you will accomplish what is needed to bring me through.
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Choosing To Trust
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